Police Department- Frequently Asked Questions
1. How can I obtain a copy of a police report?
Complete the Minnesota Uniform Firearm Application/Receipt Permit to Purchase/Transfer form, making sure you sign and date the four (4) signature and date lines. Email, mail, or drop off the form with a color copy of a valid state ID, driver’s license, military ID (please copy both front and back) or passport to the New Prague Police Department; Email: policerecords@ci.new-prague.mn.us; Mail or drop off: New Prague Police Department, 118 Central Ave N, New Prague, MN 56071. A background check will be completed and you will be contacted with further information.
Please note, the New Prague Police Department can only process permits to purchase for residents that reside within New Prague city limits.
*See Related Links for the Permit to Purchase Form
3. How do I obtain a permit to carry a firearm?
Contact the Sheriff’s Department in the county in which you live.
For more information, visit: Permit to Carry | Minnesota Department of Public Safety
4. I received a citation- How do I pay or contest it?
For information go to www.mncourts.gov/fines to find out if your citation is payable without a court appearance, how much to pay, to schedule a court appearance, and other important information. Or call the Minnesota Court Payment Center at (651) 281-3219 or 1-800-657-3611. It may take up to 7 days from the date you received your citation for processing before the Minnesota Court Payment Center can assist you or you can pay your fine online.
5. How do I properly dispose of medication?
The New Prague Police Department participates in the Take It To The Box program. The drop box is located in the south entrance of New Prague City Hall (118 Central Ave N, New Prague, MN).
Take It To The Box is a program for Scott County residents to dispose of unneeded prescription and over the counter medications, pet medications, illegal drugs and drug paraphernalia anonymously, at no charge, courtesy of a partnership among the Scott County Meth Task Force and county law enforcement agencies.
- Leave medication in the original container.
- Remove your name and personal information.
- Keep the name of the medication on the original container.
- Place liquids in a padded envelope (provided near drop box).
- Drop medication into the disposal box.
- No needles/sharps/syringes are accepted at any location.
6. Do you provide fingerprinting services?
New Prague Police Department does not provide fingerprinting services. Please contact Scott County Sheriff’s Office (952) 496-8706 or LeSueur County Sheriff’s Office (507) 357-4440 for further information.
7. Is there a winter parking ordinance?
Yes, the City of New Prague has a winter parking ordinance.
*See Related Links for Winter Parking Ordinances and Parking Permits
8. Can the police help me if I lock my keys in the car?
The New Prague Police Department will respond to vehicle lockouts.
9. Does New Prague have a curfew ordinance?
Yes, the City of New Prague has a curfew ordinance.
*See Related Links for Curfew Ordinance